Scheduling Bill Kerwood is like having Jim Carey teaching the students in my community without the multi-million dollar contract!
It was fabulous! Our students were mesmerized through the entire performance. It’s not often that we found someone with so much talent who can keep the kids full attention for 45 minutes!
I told my family to recycle. Now I really know how to take care of the environment.
Over the summer I hope to get a job picking up the trash from the street.
This was the absolute best assembly for our age group that I have ever seen here at Hillcrest for the past 5 years! Super job on both the content and the fun way it was presented.
Now I tell my mom to recycle bottles and cans and stuff like that.
Can you believe that I used to throw everything away? Not anymore!
In one word, “WONDERFUL!”
I think he is GREAT!